Thursday Ramblings and Throwback Thursday! Early Father's Day Edition

13 June 2013
So today I was totally at loss for anything I wanted to write about on this blog! The past few thursdays actually have gotten no love from me. Sorry Thursday I do love you promise. And now I'm going to be perfectly honest I still don't know what I want to write about hence calling this Thursday Rambling because I don't think any of this is really going to connect in anyway or maybe even make sense!


Okay, I went away from this post to have dinner and I finally had an idea for this post! Since I don't post on the weekend and this Sunday is Father's Day I decided to talk/show pictures about my dad! Throwback Thursday today too so might as well throw in those oldies! (Okay so only one oldie because I don't feel like upload anymore!)

Okay so Father's Day is Sunday and I'm basically ready for it! Well just to have wrap the present we have for dad which is pretty good I think maybe pick up a couple more little things. Need to get a bag and some tissue paper I guess too! I know I don't have any! But lets get started with this Dad blog post! My dad is awesome. I know most people say the same thing about their own dads but I really do believe I have the best dad. He has given our family everything we have needed and asked for our whole lives. We have lived a very comfortable life never wanting for anything because we more than likely got it. My dad has had his own business for over 30 years now which allowed my mom to be a stay at home mom which made for a great life growing up because mom was always there at home with us and Dad was just a phone call away if we needed anything and home every night for dinner. I was going start going into different memories I have with my dad but really that list would go forever because over the past almost 30 years of life my dad (and mom) have created so many memories I don't think I could list all of them here. Vacations, Christmas, days spent by the pool, car rides, nights watching movies, going to the drive in (dad normally got that job! Mom's night off), even family dinners on a random weekday have been memorable. 

So dad, just wanted to say Thanks and Happy Early Father's Day! 
Love yo

My 29th Birthday! Before heading to Hebel's :)

Dad figured out how to take a selfie!

Christmas tree hunting!

Yup, people think he is so cool but he is really just a dorky dad like the rest of them!

Love you dad even though you wore those shorty shorts!

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