December Goals

05 December 2018
Good Morning Friends, I know you weren't expecting me to actually have a blog post up two days in a row. Miracles never cease (haha). Since we are well into December now I think it is time to make my December goals and look back on my November Goals, which I'm not so sure went as well as I hoped they would. So, lets do this...

November Goals Recap...

Get Christmas Craft Projects finished before you start new a new one.
Sadly, this didn't happen, I have been working on these but most aren't done and I have started new ones!

Plan some fun Christmas-y evenings with family/friends

Check! This one has been happening! And lots more are coming!

Make Christmas cards/Send out

Nope, I didn't make my cards this year, I just found I didn't have enough time and I don't enjoy making cards that much unless I'm totally in the mood and I haven't been in the mood. But I did get some nice ones at Winners ;)

Finishing organizing the office

Check! Finished and the office is wonderful haha

Have most Christmas shopping done by end of NovemberNope, I have some of it done but not all of it and I don't even care haha

I only have one goal for December and that is to fully enjoy the Christmas season. I have to say I have been doing a great job so far. The decorations are up, Christmas movies/music playing and the festive love is in the air.

I hope everyone has the same goal to just enjoy as much as you can and spend your time with the people you love.



  1. That's the perfect goal for December - just enjoy it!

  2. Girl you set the best goal you could for the Christmas season. Enjoy:)

    Black Coffee Beautiful

  3. I love your goal for December. I want to do the same goal!


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