Slack Blogger? Not a summer blogger!

01 September 2014
Yup, it is official I'm not a summer blogger! I had idea for posts but I never had/took the time to sit down and write them out. There was always something more fun/exciting/important to do!

Since it is September (WOAH! how did that happen already?) and school is back on Wednesday I figured it was time to get back into a nice routine and it will include blogging on a regular basis. Now, that being said this week probably won't have anymore posts because I will be busy with back to school stuff and just getting back into routine! I just wanted to come and say hi and yes I will be back! 

Now, I'm going to leave you with some of my pictures from August! Hope you're all having a great Labour Day weekend.


  1. I discovered that I wasn't a summer blogger either. Hoping to get back in to the swing of things now!

    1. Summer blogging is the worst! haha I'm sure we will get back into it now :)

  2. I can't believe that summer is almost over and September is here. No worries about not blogging over the summer. I had a couple of weeks where I wasn't blogging either. Have a great first week back to school!

    1. Summer blogging just wasn't my thing this year! Thanks I had a great week back! :)

  3. I completely understand not being a summer blogger. My blog has definitely taken the back burner for awhile now, but I am also ready to get back to a blogging schedule. Good luck with school this week and your pics are gorgeous!!

  4. You should totally join Whitney's #BlogeverydayinSept movement! I'm not a summer blogger too. Or a 2014 blogger, I've sucked at that.

  5. I know EXACTLY what you mean! I have zero motivation to blog!


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