Monday, Monday.....

12 November 2018
Okay, everyone please cross your fingers that my computer stays working. It has been good for the past two days so here is hoping it stays that way for the time being.

Did everyone have a good weekend? Did you attend a Remembrance Day ceremony? I did both well I attended a Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday at one of the local elementary schools which was very well done and I watch the live one from Ottawa each year. I think it is so important to remember the vets and soldiers serving now everyday but of course especially on Remembrance Day. On Friday, my cousin Callee was down to come to the ceremony as well because when she was young she found medals and things from a soldier in her attic so she donated them to her elementary after finding out the story behind the soldier John Ross. The school has adopted John as their soldier and continues to pay tribute to him each year. It was lovely to see how they still carry on this tradition of celebrating him after a time of year since Callee has left the school. 

Since Callee was down we decided to go and have a nice lunch and catch up since we hadn't seen each other in awhile. It was great to have Callee around for some the day and have made plans for some more family Christmas-y stuff soon!

As for the rest of my weekend, I didn't do a whole lot because the weather was awful on Saturday so I went and did a couple of errands and then just chilled for the rest of the day/night. I did have plans to be somewhat productive on Sunday but that didn't happen. I'm hoping today will my day to get some stuff before work on Tuesday. I'm excited for Tuesday evening since I have a paint night to go to which should be great fun. They always are, I love them! It will be a year since I really got into doing some painting this week actually. Verna Paton (Paton with Verna on Facebook for anyone who wants to check her out) is the instructor and she is just a wonderful lady! I never thought I would love painting as much as I do and it is all because of Verna! She can make everything so simple for us beginners that things actually come together and you make some nice art!

Anyways, lets get this Monday going! I hope you all have an amazing day!

Also, linking-up with Biana today!

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